600 E. Smith Road, Medina, OH 44256

Common Reasons for Car Accidents in Ohio

 Posted on May 17, 2019 in Personal Injury

Medina car accident lawyer

The dangers drivers face each day on our roadways are undeniable. There are around six million car accidents each year in the United States, with more than three million annual injuries, and two million that lead to permanent physical effects. Also, an average of 90 Americans lose their lives every day in auto accidents.

Driver negligence is the primary contributing factor in most car wrecks, and it comes in many forms. If you were injured in a car crash caused by the negligent actions of another driver, you may be entitled to full compensation for medical costs, lost work, and pain and suffering.

Here are some of the most common causes of car accidents:

Distracted Driving

More than 1,000 individuals are hurt every day in the U.S. in accidents caused by distracted drivers, including an average of nine deaths per day. Texting while driving increases a person’s odds of getting into a car accident by 2,300%. Checking email, browsing social media, and talking on non-hands-free devices all contribute to these tragic stats.

Speeding & Reckless Driving

Driving over the speed limit plays a role in 30 percent of all fatal car wrecks in the U.S., while reckless driving is a factor in 33 percent. The safest drivers maintain a speed that is consistent with the other cars on the road. Drivers darting in and out of traffic at high speeds put everyone on the road at risk.

Drunk Driving

About 40 percent of fatal car crashes are caused by drinking and driving. Through mid-May, Ohio law enforcement had made 8,900 operating a vehicle while intoxicated (OVI) arrests, but they cannot get them all. Drunk drivers are a threat at all hours of the day, especially at night.

Unsafe Following Distance

Far too often, drivers tailgate other cars at high rates of speed, which greatly increases the chances of a rear-end collision. Rear-end accidents account for around 30 percent of all car collisions, and following too close is usually to blame.

Contact a Medina Personal Injury Lawyer

The Law Office of Whitney K.S. Miller, LLC fights for the rights of car accident victims injured due to the negligence of other drivers. We pursue maximum compensation for short- and long-term medical bills and affected quality of life. To speak with a Wayne County car accident attorney who is prepared to serve as your dedicated legal advocate, call us at 330-725-4114 for a free consultation.


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